

About the Program

Scientific sessions at the KOICA-UPLB-IRRI International Conference typically last 1 hour and 30 minutes, with 4 speakers.  We expect to have approximately 5 plenary sessions with featured speakers of world renown. In addition, there will be a lightning session wherein two KOICA scholars will be presenting their PhD research projects.

Poster Abstracts

All attendees are welcome to submit a poster abstract for consideration. During the event, we will designate a dedicated Poster Area for displaying the posters, accompanied by a session where authors will be present to engage with viewers, discuss their research, and respond to inquiries. Furthermore, all poster abstracts will be featured in our Online Program, ensuring their availability as part of our archives even after the event concludes.  Please visit our Poster Abstract page for poster submission details.

Exhibitors and Industry Participation

KOICA-UPLB-IRRI International Conference will also feature an Expo of tabletop exhibits, with companies offering equipment, services, and publications related to genetic research in the agri-genomics field, where attendees can learn more about each exhibiting company.

Conference Program